Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Two weeks later, or is it three?

Back again. Seems that Cabinetry Man had to get strep. Seriously, how old were you the last time you had strep? I think I was in my teens or something. Oh well. The same day he goes to the doctor (finally), College Dude tells me that he is going to the health center after class, and he'll call for a ride home. In the meantime, I am trying to get Sunshine to setttle down upstairs after her medicine and watch a movie or something.

Hmmm, a day at home. Sunshine is being good, snuggled upstairs. I think she was watching Mamma Mia. Fortunately she's still too young to 'get' some of the humor. She goes from that to Kipper to Little Mermaid...

CB calls to make sure that our insurance is set up at Walmart so he can get his medicine. Antibiotic and something with lidocaine for his raw throat. Good. College Dude calls and will be ready to be picked up in a few, he's getting his medicine. He has the flu. So he got a antiviral for the flu and something for the cough. I'm checking the cabinet to make sure that there is some sort of cough medicine left for Sunshine. Yep, we're good to go.

Spent 3 days at home, tending to the crew. It's remarkably easy when they are all drugged and semi-conscious. I get to watch what I want on TV or DVD with no comments, decide what I want to fix for dinner, clean the kitchen floor, laundry....all the stuff that I used to spread out over a week when I stayed home. Got out my beloved sewing machine and played. I have NO stash, small pieces that Older Sister sent home with me in December...but I have elastic, some thread, nippers, scissors, pinking shears, seam rippers. None of which do me any good in deciding what color to paint the cabinets (which I am not allowed to do).

The weather was gorgeous, which meant I had windows/doors open so the house aired out. And we're back to chilly and cloudy this week. It's been the weirdest winter, drier than usual for us...very little shoveling of the global warming, but that's okay for now. However, we're at the point where any more snows that we get will probably be of the wet, mushy, yucky type...I really don't like March and April snows as they are just sad looking and a real mess in the front door.

I got my little wicker table partially painted and have to get another can of black spray paint to finish. Might put a third coat on, but not sure if gloss or matte is the way to go...I'll have to see....gloss would look nice with the video/bookcase that I just did...can always do one and change if if I don't like it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Susie Q, thanks for stopping by the mirror project post! I use Satin paint on most of my furniture projects, including those mirrors. That's what I usually buy usually. You could do whatever you like though & if semi-gloss would work better for your family, then go for it!


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